
Primary LanguagePython


Template repository for data analysis projects.


Create a new repo from the template

gh repo create <name> --clone --private --template davidmasp/dat
cd <name>
git remote add template git@github.com:davidmasp/dat.git

When checking for template updates run

🚨 NOTE: this will create a bunch of merge conflicts for the files that have been updated, you should accept "current" changes for the ones that you don't want to be over-written.

git fetch --all
git merge template/main --allow-unrelated-histories

Install the datpy pacakge (one-time)

cd src/datpy
pip install .
cd ../..

Create a default folder for data

cd data
dat template -t data_simple -o dataSimple -v "name=My Data Simple Folder"

Create a new report folder for a quaterly report

cd reports
dat template -o Q324 --template reports_simple --variables "name=Q324" 

Create a new container folder

cd containers
dat template -t singularity_py -o test_py -v "name=example2Py,version=0.0.2"

List the available templates with

dat template --root config/templates -l

Gather relevant panel figures to a central location

This command requires a configuration file (panels.toml). This is by default located in figures/panels.toml, but it is not required.

dat figures -o

Build automatically conda environments

See this

Sync data from a server

We need to set up a config file in the root directory (of the project, for here would be ~/projects/dat) named .datsync.toml. See this file as example.

# for files
dat sync file.txt
# for folders
dat sync folder --dot

Note that the user needs to be in the same directory as the remote session.

Also note that to sync files in nested directories we need to create the directories locally too.