
Practice exercises for the E6B aviation circular sliderule and wind-triangle solver.

The UnlicenseUnlicense


The E6B is a circular sliderule and mechanical wind-triangle calculator long used in aviation, and still common in flight training (or with pilots like me, who just like them).

This client-side web app presents simple problems for either the calculator or wind side of an E6B. Click/tap/hit a key to show an answer or to advance to the next question.


Home: https://e6b.org

Wind-side problems: https://e6b.org/wind.html

Calculator-side problems: https://e6b.org/calc.html

Donations (pay it forward)

If you enjoy this site/app and would like to show your appreciation, please make a donation to your local women's shelter or homeless shelter, or to any organisation that helps refugees and other displaced people (such as the Red Cross, MSF, or UNRWA).


This project is released into the Public Domain. Use it any way you want. No warranty.