
:open_file_folder: Virtual haptic information dataset based on local curvatures of typycal household objects.

Haptic Curvatures (Haicu) 📂

In this repository is available a virtual haptic information dataset, generated from typycal household objects. This information is based in local curvatures of the virtual objects and captured by the simulation of 3 fingers aproaching to the 3D figures.

Fingers simulation

Curvature capture

Capture system


The objects used as stimuli of this dataset have been drawn from ShapeNet, an online 3D figures dataset. Specifically, we use 10 different figures: a bowl, a camera, a paper clip, a fork, a hammer, a computer mouse, a pair of scissors, a spoon, a wristwatch and a bottle of wine.

ShapeNet figrues

Format of the dataset

The dataset is contained in the folder shapenet_data/ and distributed in a txt file per figure, named as the corresponding object (e.g. bowl.txt). Each txt file contains 21000 lines, where each line is a sample formed by the 3 floats of time (e.g. 0 0.01 0.109).


Angel X. Chang, Thomas Funkhouser, Leonidas Guibas, Pat Hanrahan,Qixing Huang, Zimo Li, Silvio Savarese, Manolis Savva, Shuran Song,Hao Su, Jianxiong Xiao, Li Yi, and Fisher Yu. ShapeNet: An Information-Rich 3D Model Repository. Technical Report arXiv:1512.03012 [cs.GR],Stanford University — Princeton University — Toyota TechnologicalInstitute at Chicago, 2015.