
A simple tool to keep track of who changed a record

Primary LanguagePython

Django Blame

A simple Django utlitity to allow tracking created/updated metadata of Django model records. When mixed in to your models, this tool will update created at/by information for new records as well as updated at/by inoformation when the record is updated using django signals.


  • Django 1.11+
  • Python 3.6+

Quick start

  1. Add to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  2. Enable middleware to track the current request user:

  3. In your models:

    from blame.models import BlameInfo
    class MyModel(BlameInfo):
  4. Run python manage.py migrate to create the necessary models.

Optional features


This app comes equiped with an optional mixin to resolve created_by/updated_by fields to just graphene.String typed values. To enable this feature, add the following mixin to your graphql types:

from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from blame.type import BlameInfo

class MyModelType(BlameInfo, DjangoObjectType):

Running tests

It is highly encouraged you run the tests using the included docker stack.

  1. Clone the application:

    > git clone https://github.com/CodeBiosys/django-blame
    > cd django-blame
  2. Provision a new Docker machine called django-blame:

    > docker-machine create -d virtualbox django-blame
    > eval $(docker-machine env django-blame)
    > docker-machine ls
    	NAME                ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
    	django-blame        *        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v18.06.1-ce

    Note the asterisk in the "ACTIVE" column.

  3. Build the application stack and start the services:

    > docker-compose build
    > docker-compose up -d
  4. Run the tests

     docker-compose run --rm app py.test