
WSFederation and SAML library for Java based web applications

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This library speaks the WS-Federation protocol and SAML 1.1 and 2.0 tokens. It interops fine with Microsoft-related products like ADFS, Windows Azure Active Directory and Windows Identity Foundation.

The code is a simplified version with some improvements of the library released by Microsoft https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-for-java-samples.


Clone it

git clone https://github.com/auth10/auth10-java.git

Or download it as zip from https://github.com/auth10/auth10-java/zipball/master

Import the Maven that was just downloaded in your project (File -> Import -> Existing Maven Projects)

Add a reference to com.auth10.federation library from your project. Edit your project Maven file pom.xml and add this:


Add a federation.properties file under resources folder:

federation.trustedissuers.thumbprint=CF50166CE4B....signing cert thumbprint...4DA668F96BF
federation.trustedissuers.friendlyname=My Identity Provider

Add the WSFederationFilter to the web.xml file:

    <!-- this is used only if manual redirect is enabled. Otherwise the user will be automatically redirected to the identity provider when browsing the website -->
    <!-- e.g.: public folder won't be affected by the filter. To add more concat with pipe (|) -->

Consuming user attributes

// gets the user name
String name = request.getRemoteUser();

// gets the user claims
List<Claim> claims = ((FederatedPrincipal)request.getUserPrincipal()).getClaims()