
simple web map for our Borehole Geophysical Logs and Sediment Core data viewer.

Web map is live here:


This project requires NodeJS 8+ installed on your development system. We recommend using the latest LTS version. Recommended workflow is

  • fork the project to your personal github account
  • clone your personal repository (inherently naming the remote as origin)
  • set the canonical repository as the upstream remote: git remote add upstream


npm ci

After cloning the repository, bring up a terminal in the repository's root directory and run npm ci to download the dependencies.


npm start

The npm start command is configured to build the project, then serve the project at http://localhost:8080/data-pres-2018/

The server will watch for source changes and automatically refresh the browser.


npm run build

The distributable folder dist/ can be generated by runnning npm run build

Publishing GitHub Pages

npm run pages

The command npm run pages will build the source code, and commit the dist/ folder to the gh-pages branch of the repository. It will also push the branch to the git remote named origin


npm run release

The command will:

  • install dependencies
  • run a fresh build
  • version to the next patch version
  • push the newly created commit and tag to remote upstream
  • push ghpages content to remote upstream