
This exports sites from the Alexa Top Sites API into CSV format.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Alexa Top Sites Exporter

This code exports sites from the Alexa Top Sites API into CSV format.


macOS 10.15 with Python 3.7.6


  1. Extract the release zip file into a new directory. In a terminal, cd into that directory.
  2. Execute: python3 -m venv venv. macOS may ask you to download the free developer tools from Apple. Allow this to run when prompted then run this command again.
  3. Execute: source venv/bin/activate
  4. Execute: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Usage - main

usage: main.py [-h] --results RESULTS --ats_api_key ATS_API_KEY
               [--awis_api_key AWIS_API_KEY] [--country COUNTRY]
               [--start START] [--test TEST]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --results RESULTS     How many results to export.
  --ats_api_key ATS_API_KEY
                        Alexa ATS API Key from https://ats.alexa.com
  --awis_api_key AWIS_API_KEY
                        Alexa AWIS Key from https://awis.alexa.com
  --country COUNTRY     Filter top sites by 2-letter country code e.g. US.
  --start START         Result to start from.
  --test TEST           If specified, the Alexa API will not be called and the
                        example-*.json files will be used instead.

Alexa Top Sites API (required)

  1. Setup an AWS IAM user by following the instructions here.
  2. Subscribe to Alexa Top Sites from the AWS Marketplace. This will provide you with an API key from the ATS dashboard.

Alexa URL Info API (optional)

If you want to query the URL Info API at the same time, you will need to generate a separate API. Subscribe to Alexa URL Info from the AWS Marketplace. This will provide you with an API key from the AWIS dashboard.


If the script fails, you can use --start to resume from the last TopSites query. The position last queried will be in the request query string output to the console. E.g.

Request: https://ats.api.alexa.com/api?Action=TopSites&ResponseGroup=Country&Start=1&Count=5&Output=json

means the API was queried for 5 results starting at result 1. If you wanted to query another set of results starting from the next result, you would add the argument --start 6.

Usage - awis-lookup

Provide a CSV of URLs in awis-input.csv, one per line, and it will look up the AWIS ranking and write to another CSV awis-results.py.

usage: awis-lookup.py [-h] --awis_api_key AWIS_API_KEY

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --awis_api_key AWIS_API_KEY
                        Alexa AWIS Key from https://awis.alexa.com