- 1
apng-js player will increase playbackRate when stop and play or play several times
#40 opened by sbyps - 1
Updating and contributing
#38 opened by aboutofpluto - 0
Modify and export new APNG
#37 opened by ChrisZeThird - 4
help:I have an APNG image, which will be truncated a lot when placed in your demo
#36 opened by sunset-horizon - 1
i try to use getPlayer but receive an err Image creation error(in react)
Play/stop/pause aPNG
#19 opened by Wymowny - 1
PNG to APNG in NodeJS?
#34 opened by junebug12851 - 3
Use in node.js
#31 opened by dan-toonkids - 4
Transparency applied to non-changed pixels?
#30 opened by dan-toonkids - 3
Can the same be done for WebP?
#13 opened by voland62 - 3
Simple implementation
#16 opened by evandiamond - 1
frame show bug
#26 opened by wuzhentao - 3
I want to play the specified frame how to achieve?
#25 opened by likaia - 2
- 12
Stop/play parsed aPNG
#20 opened by lxchjxzotbgvutazco - 11
How do you include this on a web page?
#2 opened by adamcoulombe - 1
Build failing
#18 opened by ChrisGibb - 3
Player scaling
#15 opened by JanWerder - 4
Seek to a certain frame
#14 opened by RonnyO - 1
Release apng-js 1.1.1
#12 opened by xiaoxiangmoe - 5
Add type for this project.
#8 opened by xiaoxiangmoe - 1
- 1
Apng is not supperted in some App。 Using apng-canvas solves this question。 But is Apng-js supported to the apng-canvas?????
#7 opened by luther-nwpu - 12
- 0
IE11 Bug on Array.prototype.some
#1 opened by LucaDb