(Tips and Tools for Reproducible Projects with Python)
So far you have learnt:
- how to analyze complex geospatial datasets
- how to write readable code
- how to write testable code
- how to write version-controlled code
Plan for today is to discuss:
- organizing project repositories
- using virtual environments
- creating modules
- building packages
- setting up automatic testing
- How should we structure our data science project repositories?
+-- data
| +-- raw
| +-- processed
+-- src
| +-- PythonModules
| +-- tests
+-- notebooks
| +-- exploratory
| +-- expositionary
+-- references
| +-- papers
| +-- tutorials
+-- results
+-- README.md
+-- LICENSE.txt
No one solution: adjust as the project evolves.
Comprehensive Project Templates:
- Data Science Cookiecutter - Data Science Project Template
- Shablona - Python Package Template
Exercise 1:
Reorganize the repo
- fork https://github.com/valentina-s/mobility-index
- git clone fork_address
- move all notebooks to a notebook folder
- create a mobility_index folder which will store all the code
Conda vs pip
What is Conda?
Anaconda is a Python distribution slightly different from the default Python distribution, and comes with its own package manager (conda).
Conda packages come in the form of .whl files (wheel files). They are precompiled packages: i.e. they are compiled for each specific operating system. They are fast to install. (Installing Numpy from scratch takes forever compiling C code) Miniconda is even faster to install as it is bare bones: better for deploying: have only what you need.
What is pip?
Package manager for Python. Install packages from PyPi. There are packages in pip which are not in conda.
pip install
vs conda install
pip freeze
conda list
There are also additional conda packages on conda-forge. You can install them by
conda install -c conda-forge package_name
and you can build your own.
What is a Python virtual environment?
A folder with all Python executables and libraries and a link to them. Virtual environments take space!
Pure Python: virtualenv, pipenv
Anaconda Python: conda environment
Create conda envs by:
conda create --name newEnv python=2 extra_packages
View environments:
conda env list
On Unix:
source activate newEnv
do stuff
conda install more_packages
source deactivate
On Windows:
activate newEnv
do stuff
conda install more_package
Saving environments:
conda env export -f exported_env.yml
Load an environment from .yml file:
conda env create -f exported_env.yml
You can do the same thing with pip:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
We can see that the list of packages is pretty long (because of the dependencies), and quite specific.
Sometimes you just want to list the ones which you need (and not specify the version). You can write create the following requirements.txt
You can also use conda to install from a requirements file:
conda install --file requirements.txt
Jupyter Notebooks and virtual environments:
- Make sure to install Jupyter within virtual environment
- Run
jupyter notebook
within the activated environment
Setting up an environment switch within the Jupyter notebook:
Exercise 2:
- create a virtual environment mob_idx with geopandas and shapely
- start a notebook within it and test the imports
- deactivate the enviornment
- export the package list
- Make paths independent of platform and all relative to directory structure
import os
# current path
current_path = os.getcwd()
# join paths for Windows and Unix
code_path = os.path.join(current_path, "src")
# make sure paths/files exist before reading
- move functions from notebooks to a
file - import the
file as a module
import module_name
import module_name as mod
from module_name import myFunction
order of importing modules
- first checks system and Python modules
- checks local directory or modules in added system paths
reloading modules (Python 3)
from imp import reload
install module as a package
- create a setup.py file
run the setup.py file
python setup.py install package_name
and you will be able to import the package from anywhere!
- put
in every folder
. +-- package | +-- __init__.py | +-- subpackage | | +-- __init__.py | | +-- module.py
from subpackage import module
- put
relative imports
from ..subpackage import module
- git submodules
- add external github repos to your github project
Exercise 3
- Create the functions described in the notebooks
- Move them to the mobility_index folder
- Test importing them from the notebook
conda install nose
For each function in library.py write a test function:
+-- src | +-- library.py | +-- tests | +-- test_library.py
Run the tests:
In practice, we most probably we will forget to run nosetests after every change we make in the code, luckily, we can do it automatically using continuous integration.
- Travis-CI (free for public repos)
- specification by a travis.yml
- AppVeyor (for Windows)
- CircleCI
- Wercker (based on Docker containters)
- Jenkins - need to configure it
Exercise: let's set up Travis-CI for the Mobility Index project.
- log in to Travis-CI with your github account
- search for the repository you want to activate with travis and switch it on
- write a
specifying the build requirements and tests
Test Coverage - Coveralls
Exercise (extra): explore how you can set up automatic coverage check
- Travis-CI (free for public repos)
- PyCharm - integration with GitHub
- Atom - coloring in Github (extra packages)
- JupyterLab (web based -> can run on server)
- Spyder Matlab-like IDE
- Nbconvert - to pdf, to html
- Reveal.js: Jupyter notebook -> slides (Instructions)
- css styles for notebook
- Sphinx, readthedocs, ... (automatically generate documentation, integrate with CI)
- gh-pages - project website based on Jekyll
- Binder (of notebooks) (free sharing of github jupyter notebooks)
- Jupyter Hub + Kubernetes - sharing reliably with many people
- SageMathCloud - CoCalc
Hitchhikers Guide for packaging