Final presentation for Info498F

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Final presentation for Info498F

Link to website: https://davidnyuan.shinyapps.io/INFO498F_FINAL/

Coral Bleaching: Point data for observations (or lack thereof) of coral bleaching, with information on date, location, severity, and source. http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/bleaching_data_description.txt

Monitoring Sites: Point data for locations of monitoring sites from major reef monitoring programs. http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/monitoring_sites_data_description.txt

MPAs: Point data for locations of marine protected areas which contain coral reefs. Data originally from UNEP-WCMC. http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/protected_area_data_description.txt

Reefs Location: Point data for about 10,000 coral reef locations (i.e. reefs, reefs systems, dive sites etc.). http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/reefs_location_data_description.txt

Coral Diseases: Point data for observations of various coral diseases. Data originally from UNEP-WCMC. http://www.reefbase.org/gis_maps/coraldiseases_data_description.txt

Global Warming Temperatures: Data collected from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analyst Center that has information on average temperature trends (http://cdiac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/broker?_PROGRAM=prog.climsite_monthly.sas&_SERVICE=default&id=212142#write_somevars_clim_mon) Given temperatures are in Fahrenheit, and precipitation is in inches