
View the top distinct values for each column of a Parse class.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ParseDataViz is a collection of CloudFunctions that crawl your Parse.com data to give you insights. The first CloudFunction, called topDistinctValues looks at a Parse class and tells you what the distinct values are in each column sorted by the number of occurrences of each distinct value.


Get started by adding parseDataViz.js to your cloud directory within your Parse CloudCode directory. Next add the line var parseDataViz = require('cloud/parseDataViz.js'); to your main.js file. Finally deploy to your Parse app.


After installing you will have a new CloudFunction to play with. You can run this CloudFunction on all the Parse platforms. In Javascript, if Photo is the name of your Parse class, it looks like:

Parse.Cloud.run('topDistinctValues', {"className": "Photo", "numberOfDays": "7"}, {
  success: function(result) {
  error: function(error) {

The data you get back in result will be structured as follows:

  • columns (array)
    • column (dictionary)
      • columnName (string)
      • distinctValueCount (number)
      • distinctValues (array)
        • distinctValue (dictionary)
          • value (string)
          • count (number)