
OASIS TC Open Repository: TAXII 2 Server Library Written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Build_Status Coverage Version


NOTE: This is an OASIS TC Open Repository. See the Governance section for more information.

Medallion is a minimal implementation of a TAXII 2.0 Server in Python.

For more information, see the documentation on ReadTheDocs.

WARNING: medallion was designed as a prototype and reference implementation of TAXII 2.0, and is not intended for production use.

medallion has been designed to be a simple front-end REST server providing access to the endpoints defined in that specification. It uses the python framework - Flask. medallion depends on back-end "plugins" which handle the persistence of the TAXII data and metadata. The TAXII specification is agnostic to what type of data a TAXII server stores, but this will usually be STIX 2 content.

Two back-end plugins are provided with medallion: the Memory back-end and the MongoDB back-end. The Memory back-end persists data "in memory". It is initialized using a json file that contains TAXII data and metadata. It is possible to save the current state of the in memory store, but this back-end is really intended only for testing purposes. The MongoDB backend is somewhat more robust and makes use of a MongoDB server, installed independently. The MongoDB back-end can only be used if the pymongo python package is installed. An error message will result if it is used without that package.


The easiest way to install medallion is with pip:

$ pip install medallion


As a script

Medallion provides a command-line interface to start the TAXII Server:

usage: medallion [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--debug-mode]
              [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

medallion v0.4.0

positional arguments:
  CONFIG_PATH           The location of the JSON configuration file to use.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --host HOST           The host to listen on.

  --port PORT           The port of the web server.

  --debug-mode          If set, start application in debug mode.

                        The logging output level for medallion.

To run medallion:

$ python medallion/scripts/run.py <config-file>

Make sure medallion is using the same port that your TAXII client will be connecting on. You can specify which port medallion runs on using the --port option, for example:

$ medallion --port 80 config_file.json

The <config_file> contains:

  • configuration information for the backend STIX 2.0 data plugin
  • configuration information for the backend authorization plugin
  • a simple user name/password dictionary

To use the Memory backend plugin, include the following in the <config-file>:

    "backend": {
        "module": "medallion.backends.taxii.memory_backend",
        "module_class": "MemoryBackend",
        "filename": "<path to json file with initial data>"

To use the Directory backend plugin, include the following in the <config-file>:

    "backend": {
        "module": "medallion.backends.taxii.directory_backend",
        "module_class": "DirectoryBackend",
        "path": "<path to directory>"

The directory backend config also contains information for certain requests to the TAXII 2.0 server. A complete config can be seen in this example

The directory backend uses the path pointed to by the path config as its root. Each directory within becomes a TAXII 2.0 api root. STIX 2.0 bundles as JSON files can be placed within the root, and the contents of each file will be aggregated into a single collection.

The directory backend caches the contents of the files in memory and is best suited for frequent reads and infrequent writes.

To use the Mongo DB backend plugin, include the following in the <config-file>:

     "backend": {
        "module": "medallion.backends.taxii.mongodb_backend",
        "module_class": "MongoBackend",
        "uri": "<Mongo DB server url>  # e.g., 'mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017/'"

Note: A Mongo DB should be available at some URL when using the Mongo DB back-end

A description of the Mongo DB structure expected by the mongo db STIX 2.0 data backend code is described in the documentation.

As required by the TAXII specification, medallion supports HTTP Basic authorization. In addition, medallion supports API Token authorization and JWT authorization. When stored in the <config-file>, passwords are encrypted.

Here is an example:

    "users": {
        "admin": "pbkdf2:sha256:150000$vhWiAWXq$a16882c2eaf4dbb5c55566c93ec256c189ebce855b0081f4903f09a23e8b2344",
        "user1": "pbkdf2:sha256:150000$TVpGAgEI$dd391524abb0d9107ff5949ef512c150523c388cfa6490d8556d604f90de329e",
        "user2": "pbkdf2:sha256:150000$CUo7l9Vz$3ff2da22dcb84c9ba64e2df4d1ee9f7061c1da4f8506618f53457f615178e3f3"
    "api_keys": {
        "123456": "admin",
        "abcdef": "user1"

Note: the plaintext passwords for the above example are:

    "users": {
       "admin": "Password0",
       "user1": "Password1",
       "user2": "Password2"

If JWT authorization is used, a secret key is required in the config:

    "flask": {

A script for generating user passwords is included generate_user_password.py

The authorization is enabled using the python package flask_httpauth. Authorization could be enhanced by changing the method "decorated" using @auth.get_password in medallion/__init__.py

Configs may also contain a "taxii" section as well, as shown below:

    "taxii": {
       "max_page_size": 100

All TAXII servers require a config, though if any of the sections specified above are missing, they will be filled with default values.

The backend for authorization can also be configured in the <config-file>:

To use the Memory Authorization backend plugin, include the following in the <config-file>:

    "auth": {
        "module": "medallion.backends.auth.memory_auth",
        "module_class": "AuthMemoryBackend",
        "users": {},
        "api_keys": {}

To use the Mongo DB Authorization backend plugin, include the following in the <config-file>:

    "auth": {
        "module": "medallion.backends.auth.mongodb_auth",
        "module_class": "AuthMongodbBackend",
        "uri": "mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017/",
        "db_name": "auth"

The structure expected by the mongo db authorization backend code is:

    "user": {
        "_id": "user@example.com",
        "password": "pbkdf2:sha256:150000$vhWiAWXq$a16882c2eaf4dbb5c55566c93ec256c189ebce855b0081f4903f09a23e8b2344",
        "company_name": "Example Organization",
        "contact_name": "User",
        "created": "",
        "updated": ""
    "api_key": {
        "_id": "<api_key>",
        "user_id": "user@example.com",
        "created": "",
        "last_used_at": "",
        "last_used_from": ""

A script for adding users and api-keys is included auth_db_utils.py

Multiple authorization are supported by medallion at the same time and can be added to the <config-file>:

    "multi-auth": [

Additional configurations can be seen in example_configs

We welcome contributions for other back-end plugins.


We also provide a Docker image to make it easier to run medallion:

$ docker build . -t medallion

If operating behind a proxy, add the following option (replacing <proxy> with your proxy location and port): --build-arg https_proxy=<proxy>.

Then run the image:

$ docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 -v <directory>:/var/taxii medallion

Replace <directory> with the full path to the directory containing your medallion configuration.


This GitHub public repository ( https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-taxii-client ) was created at the request of the OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC as an OASIS TC Open Repository to support development of open source resources related to Technical Committee work.

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