
APIcast Cloud Hosted

Primary LanguageLua

APIcast Cloud Hosted

APIcast Cloud Hosted is the modified APIcast that is used as the 3scale SaaS gateway. It also has an extra component, the mapping-service, a microservice used to fetch configuration from the API and serve them to the gateway. This extra microservice is required to lazy-load confgurations on use, due to the high number of tenants and services that exist in the 3scale SaaS.

APIcast gateway


  • IP Blacklist: Blacklist access to internal IP addresses to avoid users from accessing internal services.

  • Disabled policies: Some policies are disabled in SaaS due to security or performance. The list of removed policies is:

    • rate_limit
    • token_introspection
    • 3scale_batcher
    • conditional
    • logging
    • retry
    • upstream_connection

Gateway Configuration

The SaaS APIcast gateway is configured like any installaton of APIcast, using available configuration options. The only special configuration is that THREESCALE_PORTAL_ENDPOINT needs to be pointed to the mapping-service microservice instead of the usual 3scale Portal API.

Gateway exposed ports

The usual APIcast ports: 8080 for the gateway, 8090 for management and 9421 for metrics.

Mapping Service

Mapping Service is a microservice that fetches configuration from the 3scale Portal API and serves it to the APIcast gateway.

Mapping Service Configuration

Varible Default Purpose
API_HOST N/A The 3scale Portal endpoint. Defaults to multitenant-admin.3scale.net.
MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN N/A Master token used to fetch APIcast configurations from 3scale Portal API.

As the Mapping Service is built on top of an APIcast, the APIcast config options for logging level, etc, are available.

Mapping Service exposed ports

The Mapping Service exposes the service port on 8093 and the metrics port on 9421.


Local test execution with docker

Within each directory (apicast/mappong-service) there is a Makefile with targets to execute tests locally inside a docker container to avoid having to install test dependencies on the local host

  • Unit tests: make docker-busted
  • Integration tests: make docker-prove

Change the base APIcast imager

To change the base APIcast image used to build both APIcast Cloud Hosted images, just change the APICAST_VERSION variable in each Makefile.

Release process

The release process is managed with a CircleCI pipeline. This pipeline can be triggered in two different ways:

  • With every push of code to the repo, the test job of the pipeline will be executed
  • When an annotated git tag is pushed to the repo that matches the pattern "r.*", the pipeline will execute the test and release steps. The release step will push new images to quay.io/3scale/apicast-cloud-hosted, tagged with the git tag. The recommended way to create a new git annotated tag is to create a new GitHub release in this repository, with all the release information.

Images are tagged as follows:

  • APIcast gateway: quay.io/3scale/apicast-cloud-hosted:apicast-<apicast_version>-<rX>
  • Mapping Service: quay.io/3scale/apicast-cloud-hosted:mapping-service-<apicast_version>-<rX>


The apicast-cloud-hosted images are published to quay.io/3scale/apicast-cloud-hosted. The images are built on top of the APIcast upstream image using the s2i tool (source to image).