
SLURM Terminal User Interface

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Ncancel - Slurm Job Manager


Ncancel is a Python-based terminal application for managing Slurm jobs. It uses the curses library to provide a user-friendly, interactive interface for monitoring and managing jobs submitted to a Slurm workload manager. This tool simplifies the process of job management by allowing users to view, refresh, and cancel jobs directly from the terminal.



  • Python 3.x
  • Access to a system running Slurm Workload Manager


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/davidoskky/ncancel.git
  2. Link the script to your local binary folder
    ln -s $(realpath ncancel/ncancel.py) ~/.local/bin/ncancel

Key Commands

Arrow Up/Down: Navigate through the job list. D: Cancel the selected job. Q: Quit the application.


Real-Time Updates: The job list is automatically refreshed every 2 seconds.

Job Cancellation: Cancel jobs directly from the interface.

Error Handling: Displays errors (e.g., unable to fetch jobs).

The working directory of the selected job and the total number of jobs are displayed at the bottom of the screen.