
document proof involving multiple parties using ethereum swarm (and whisper soon)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Work in progress.

dApp doc proof


prove that you signed a document on the blockchain with multiple authorities involved.

use cases:

proof of existence :

Bob writes a patent and his ethereum address is verified by PICOPS ( https://picops.parity.io/ ). he can prove that he had this idea in the future.

press release

Companies are now facing fake news releases - it is hard to trace from where the fake news is originating from.

Company could state that all C-levels (let's say 4) members can sign documents using their respective proven ethereum address; and only 2 signatures are needed to "notarize" a document.

News companies (Reuters AFP...) will just have to "listen" to the NotarizedDocument event of the smart contract

legally binded contract

Alice and Bob (or Company A and B) are signing a contract online - today we sign and send the scanned copy back.

Using this dApp, they will just have to deploy this smart contract with both of their addresses as authorities with minRequiredSignature = 2

and the signature will be on chain.

How to use it / deploy it

  • Work in progress - it is based on truffle

Planned features:

  • sign only feature (not uploading the document to Swarm) for private documents.

  • enable people to modify the authorities or block the contract and give a new smart contract address with the new authorities (in case of an authority get hacked).

  • enable people to send Whisper messages to authorities in order to ask them to sign the document. authorities could generate a Whisper identity and update it on the smart contract so they can be contacted by trusted ones.

  • reveal the document after the document has the required signature count.

    • share a secret SALT between the authorities via whisper
    • bytes32 documentToBeRevealed = keccak(SALT ^ swarmDocumentHash) in a signReveal(bytes32 documentToBeRevealed)
    • once the documentToBeRevealed has the minimum required signature any of the authorities can call revealDocument(bytes32 revealedDocument, bytes32 SALT, bytes32 documentToBeRevealed)
    • if(keccak(SALT ^ revealedDocument) == documentToBeRevealed && hasEnoughSignatures(documentToBeRevealed)) {}
  • Documents Proof Registry : a MultiSig Registry where authorities can manage docproof smart contract / in order to listen to multiple docproof smart contract and events. ( it could be useful to see who is listening to the smart contracts or to the registry )

    • need to standardize the events prototypes to listen to (between RevealedDocument and NotarizedDocument)
  • ??