ASK Constants contains a number of strings exported as constants to help reduce spelling mistakes in projects built with the amazing Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js.


This package is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Amazon or the Alexa team.


Install ask-constants as a dependency:

$ npm i ask-constants


My most common use case is combining built-in intents with custom intents.

// constants.ts
import * as constants from "ask-constants";

export const INTENTS = {

  custom: {
    DO_SOMETHING_COOL: "DoSomethingCool",

// intent-handlers.ts
import { INTENTS } from "./constants";

export const IntentHandler = {
  [INTENTS.AMAZON.HELP]: () => response, // some ask handler


These constants were adapated to my workflow and common use-cases. If you have ideas on how to improve or expand them, please start a discussion via Github issues. Cheers.