
Education as a service.

What if you could stand up a code school wherever and whenever you'd like?

Now you can.

Our core materials allow you to prepare, instruct, and cultivate Rails students like never before.

Current State of Affairs

Today, we're a resource, a central repository for pre-course work, Ruby exercises, and graduate collaboration. Right now, you get (for free) structured, purposeful pre-course learning materials, course modules, and hackable apps for your students.

Pro customers get the most value. Their graduates work with a dedicated mentor to build a legitimate web application from scratch. During this period, developers gain real world experience and learn some awesome concepts like:

  • Test-Driven-Development
  • Agile Development
  • Version Control
  • Feature Release
  • Collaboration
  • Patience
  • Failure (and getting over it!)

The Way Ahead

Our offer today is a great value. In the future, it becomes an amazing value.

We're building an API to store, create, and distribute coursework and student progress. This thing is pretty smart, it'll provide harder or easier challenges based on a student's skill level. Challenges and hackable apps come in the form of git bundles.

Our Team

TODO: Add team members.


We're building a team RIGHT NOW. If you're interested, give us a shout via


While we welcome new contributors, assets and names are property of

Most of this is open source (MIT) but specifics and structure, along with the system itself, is property of