About Us

Stack4Stack is a job matching service which shifts the focus from numericality to quality. How do we do this? First, our matching is done via machine learning and some cool math to compare job postings to candidates, but that’s not our special sauce: we used Stacks for our comparison.

Users tell us what technologies they use, then we convert that into number form. From there, random sampling and clusters lead us to sorted, very targeted connections. Next, employers can judge a candidate’s qualifications based on the quality of their work (while having faith that our matching performed as advertised).

Our Stack

  • Ruby

  • Rails


  • Coffeescript

  • Postgresql

  • Ninefold


RSpec & FactoryGirl

We start by testing our models and flushing out their functionality. This leads to a more robust backend application once we begin controller, feature, and views testing.


Current Contributors:

David Hunt Jeremy Samples

If you’re interested in helping out, please give us a shout first, here or on Twitter @developgrr.


You’re welcome to browse and tinker but only for non-commercial, private use. :)