
Smart contracts related to TEND token sale (TTA tokens)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Token for TEND


Token Features

  • ERC20-compatible
    • 18 decimals
    • non-divisible, requires multiple of 10^18 for transferring, minting and vesting
  • pausable
  • paused until owner calls unpause function
  • featuring dividend
    • dividend coupled to token, unclaimed dividend transferred along when using token transfer or transferFrom functions
    • dividend can be paid in once every 350 days by treasurer account
    • dividend can be claimed up to 330 days after receiving the payment
    • unclaimed dividend can be reclaimed by owner 330 days until last payment and until next payment is coming in
    • treasurer accounts set by owner
  • mintDevelopmentTeamTokens(uint256 amount) - mints up to 2 million tokens that are vested over 4 years
  • vested tokens
    • vesting period starts at the time that the admin allocates the tokens
    • each beneficiary has their own vesting contract that locks up their tokens until they can be released by beneficiary themselves
    • 1/4 available after 1 year, nothing before (cliff)
    • remainder can be released continuously until all tokens are released after a total of 4 years (3 years past cliff)
    • non-revocable, can be released by respective owner from their vesting contract (one contract per owner)
  • owner is transferrable


The server-side scripts requires Node.js 8. Go to NVM and follow the installation description. By running source ./tools/initShell.sh, the correct Node.js version will be activated for the current shell.

Yarn is required to be installed globally to minimize the risk of dependency issues. Go to Yarn and choose the right installer for your system.

Depending on your system the following components might be already available or have to be provided manually:

  • Python 2.7
  • make (on Ubuntu this is part of the commonly installed sudo apt-get install build-essential)
  • On OSX the build tools included in XCode are required


Before running the provided scripts, you have to initialize your current terminal via source ./tools/initShell.sh for every terminal in use. This will add the current directory to the system PATH variables and must be repeated for time you start a new terminal window from project base directory.

cd <project base directory>
source ./tools/initShell.sh

Every command must be executed from within the projects base directory!


Open your terminal and change into your project base directory. From here, install all needed dependencies.

cd <project base directory>
source ./tools/initShell.sh
yarn install

This will install all required dependencies in the directory node_modules.


You can load the configured lts/carbon Node.js version (8.x LTS) for this project by running nvm use in project root directory.

Compile, migrate and run unit tests

To deploy the token smart contracts, go into the projects root directory, and change into the truffle development console.

cd <project base directory>
source ./tools/initShell.sh
yarn run dev

Now you can compile, migrate and run tests.

# Compile contract

# Migrate contract

# Test the contract

To leave the development console, simply press <CTRL + D>.

The development console will automatically start its own TestRPC server for you!

Because the test consumes a lot of ETH, please restart the development console between each test run!

Run the coverage test

To run the coverage tests, go into the projects root directory and run the coverage test.

cd <project base directory>
source ./tools/initShell.sh
yarn run coverage

The coverage test will automatically start its own TestRPC server for you!

Rinkeby testnet deployment

For the Rinkeby deployment, you need a Geth installation on your machine. Follow the installation instructions for your OS.

Start local Rinkeby test node in a separate terminal window and wait for the sync is finished.

geth --syncmode "fast" --rinkeby --rpc

Now you can connect to your local Rinkeby Geth console.

geth attach ipc://<PATH>/<TO>/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc

# e.g.
# geth attach ipc://Users/patrice/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc

Upon setup the node does not contain any private keys and associated accounts. Create an account in the web3 Geth console.


Press [Enter] twice to skip the password (or set one but then later it has to be provided for unlocking the account).

Read the address and send some Rinkeby Ether to pay for deployment and management transaction fees.


You can obtain Rinkeby testnet Ether from the faucet by pasting your address in social media and pasting the link.

Connect to your Rinkeby Geth console and unlock the account for deployment (2700 seconds = 45 minutes).

> personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.accounts[0], "", 2700)

Change the from (deployer), wallet and underwriter accounts in token.cnf.json:

"from":         "0x0fadbcc6baf38842493ea527759ce7ce1644d0cc",
"wallet":       "0xCCb50efc315614dF57f2C774391A3410B02F06EF",
"underwriter":  "0x7BeFB6B4eD33db5D7158988Ee69464d7aA35C0e6",

from has to be the address that is used for deployment (web3.eth.accounts[0]), wallet and underwriter can be some other addresses (e.g. from MetaMask).

After exiting the console by <STRG> + <D>, simply run yarn migrate-rinkeby. This may take several minutes to finish.


MainNet deployment

This is the production deployment, so please doublecheck all properties in token.cnf.json!

  • update token.cnf.json with latest startTime, endTime, cap, confirmationPeriod, rateChfPerEth

For the MainNet deployment, you need a Geth installation on your machine. Follow the installation instructions for your OS.

Start local MainNet Ethereum node in a separate terminal window and wait for the sync is finished.

geth --syncmode "fast" --rpc

Now you can connect to your local MainNet Geth console.

geth attach ipc://<PATH>/<TO>/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc

# e.g.
# geth attach ipc://Users/patrice/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc

While syncing the blockchain, you can monitor the progress by typing web3.eth.syncing. This shows you the highest available block and the current block you are on.

Upon setup the node does not contain any private keys and associated accounts. Create an account in the web3 Geth console.


Enter <YOUR_SECURE_PASSWORD> and Press [Enter] to finish the account creation.

Read the address and send some real Ether to pay for deployment and management transaction fees.


Connect to your MainNet Geth console and unlock the account for deployment (240 seconds = 4 minutes).

personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.accounts[0], "<YOUR_SECURE_PASSWORD>", 240)

Change the from (deployer), wallet and underwriter accounts in token.cnf.json:

"from":         "<REAL_ADDRESS_HERE>",
"wallet":       "<REAL_ADDRESS_HERE>",
"underwriter":  "<REAL_ADDRESS_HERE>",

from has to be the address that is used for deployment (web3.eth.accounts[0]), wallet and underwriter can be some other addresses (e.g. from MetaMask).

After exiting the console by <STRG> + <D>, simply run yarn migrate-mainnet. This may take several minutes to finish.

Now, your smart contract can be found on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/<REAL_ADDRESS_HERE>

Generate Contructor ABI

Simply run yarn abi and copy the encoded output for usage in contract verification. Please select the suitable network for verification, because verification can be done on testnet as well as on mainnet.

Contract Verification

The final step for the MainNet deployment is the contract verificationSmart contract verification.

This can be done on Etherscan.

  • Click on the Contract Creation link in the to column
  • Click on the Contract Code link

Fill in the following data.

Contract Address:       <REAL_ADDRESS_HERE>
Contract Name:          TokenCrowdsale
Compiler:               v0.4.18+commit.9cf6e910
Optimization:           YES
Solidity Contract Code: <Copy & Paste from ./build/bundle/TokenCrowdsale_all.sol>
Constructor Arguments:  <ABI from abiEncode.js>
  • paste the result from contract verification into Constructor Arguments ABI-encoded
  • Confirm you are not a robot
  • Hit verify and publish button

Now your smart contract is verified.