A C# program is compiled with dotnet run
and then called from ClojureCLR.
Avoid using the snap, use the binarie, because the snap has some issue with require sudo rights to run.
Installing ClojureCLR for the whole system under
dotnet tool install --global Clojure.Main
You can write this file under your bin file (expand ~
to your $HOME
to launch a socket repl on port 7777
~/.dotnet/tools/Clojure.Main -e "(clojure.core.server/start-server {:name (str 'clr-repl) :port 7777 :accept 'clojure.core.server/repl}) @(promise)"
You have to set the CLOJURE_LOAD_PATH
environment variable with the
root path of your dependencies (basically it replace your classpath).
The exact value depends on OS.