A Clojure library designed to parse mode files into clojure data structures.
Usable, but not perfect, parse the test file to see some of the issues.
Using deps
, add the coordinate to your deps.edn
{:deps {
orgmode {:git/url "https://github.com/bnbeckwith/orgmode"
:sha "5b83296a645af8011ed282b86de1d5995a9914f8"}
If you are using lein
, just add it as a dependency:
[bnbeckwith.com/orgmode "0.7.5"]
In your favorite terminal, launch a repl with
clojure -Adev
(ns main
(:require [orgmode.core :as org]))
(org/parse-str "* Headline")
; {:content [{:type :headline, :text "Headline", :todo nil, :level 1, :content [], :tags nil}], :level 0}
(org/parse-str "[[http://clojure.org][Clojure]]")
; {:content [{:inline true, :type :link, :uri "http://clojure.org", :content ["Clojure"]}], :level 0}
(org/parse "File.org")
; File structure
Copyright © 2012-2020 Benjamin Beckwith
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
- Benjamin Beckwith
- David Pham