Start Kafka Cluster

We use Clojure to start the kafka clusters. See clojure folder.

Kafka cluster

You need to install Clojure Cli

make kafka-cluster

The command will get into the clojure directory and launch the clojure-cli and download all the deps and launch a kafka cluster with the "sf_crime" topic.


Unzip the data with

tar -xjvf police-department-calls-for-service.tar.bz2

Python env

conda create -n venv
conda activate venv
conda install -c conda-forge --file requirement.txt

Kafka server

make kafka-server

Kafka consumer

This is the default kafka console consumer

make kafka-consumer # console
make kafka-consumer-py # python

Data Stream

make data-stream #
# Manually
# spark-submit --verbose --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.3


Kafka Consumer


Console Spark Reporting


Spark UI


Answers to questions:

  1. I increased the memory and the number of cores of the executor to increase througput, by increase a bit the latency. The rate of data arriving into our spark streaming application. I tried to use processedRowsPerSecond (the rate at which Spark is processing data) to control the number of records being processed as well.

  2. I play with the spark.default.parallelism and the spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition to increase throughput. There is balance between number of process and communication trade off though. I chose to have the same number as logical cores as my machine and have a max rate of per partition of 10 to balance between the kafka partition. This increased my processing bit a factor of 2.