
Reset switch part number

ch604 opened this issue · 3 comments

ch604 commented

From the images they appear to be SMD 3x4x2 2 pin pushbuttons, correct?


Documentation: https://omronfs.omron.com/en_US/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3u.pdf

This component is compatible. Part number is B3U-1000P(M)
(this is just one of many compatible buttons)

Also keep in mind that the reset switch is completely optional, as you can map a keyboard button to reset with QMK and ZMK and you can also enter reset by shorting the GND and RST pads on the micro-controller.


This is the footprint, for reference

ch604 commented

Thanks for that pcb breakout and the exact reference part, looks like the piece I selected will fit!