
A curated list of awesome of the Foundry development framework.

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Awesome Foundry

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Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust. Install Foundry here.


A curated list of awesome Foundry resources, tutorials, tools and libraries. Inspired by awesome-go.


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If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!


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Frameworks, plugins and utilities for Foundry.

  • Foundryup - Update or revert to a specific Foundry branch with ease.
  • Foundry Hardhat - Hardhat plugins to use foundry tools in hardhat environments.
  • Foundry Template - A template for a Foundry project.
  • Forge Template - A template for quickly getting started with forge.
  • Forge Standard Library - Collection of helpful contracts for use with forge and foundry.
  • Forge GHA - Simple Github Actions workflow to run forge test.
  • Forge Replit - Run Forge in the browser, vanilla setup.
  • Forge Snippets - VS Code Snippets for Forge.
  • Foundrydeploy - Limited scripting (declarative?) language to implement a basic deployment pipeline using foundry.


Solidity libraries or utilities that use Foundry.

  • Solmate - Modern, opinionated, and gas optimized building blocks for smart contract development.
  • Chain Claim - Solidity lib and helper scripts for providing claim code generation and on chain verification of a claim.
  • Playpen - Set of modern, gas optimized staking pool contracts.
  • TokenMigrator - A simple contract for migrating from an old ERC20 token to a new ERC20 token.
  • VestedERC20 - A wrapper ERC20 token that linearly vests an underlying ERC20 token to its holders.
  • lil web3 - Small, focused, utility-based smart contracts.
  • RollCall - Rollup Governance Libraries.
  • Forge Optimism - Forge Optimism is a collection of helpful contracts for use with forge and foundry on Optimism.
  • Yearn Strategy Foundry Mix - Basic Solidity Smart Contract for creating your own Yearn Strategy.


Projects Using Foundry

  • MapleLoan - Set of contracts to facilitate on-chain Loans between Maple Finance Pools and institutional borrowers.
  • Cryptex Finance - Index token that tracks the total cryptocurrency market capitalization. (Optimism version uses Foundry tests).
  • Gov of Venice - Governance of Venice is a new paradigm in DAO governance, attempting to standardise the existence of functional groups within DAOs (Guilds) in terms of how they participate in the Governance process of different DAOs.

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