joos PeepholeBenchmarks/bench01/*.java converts all of the .java files into .j files

in your bashrc or .profile or whatever export PEEPDIR=/home/david/Documents/W2016/520/PeepholeContest export JOOSDIR=/home/david/Documents/W2016/520/PeepholeContest/JOOSlib cd JOOSlib mkdir -p joos/lib cp * joos/lib javac it all

export CLASSPATH=/home/david/bin/classpath/bcel-5.1.jar:/home/david/bin/classpath/tinapoc.jar:$CLASSPATH For those download tinapoc from sourceforge

cd JOOSA-src make to compile our patterns

to compile programs -O PeepholeBenchmarks/bench07/*.java

to run programs java -cp .:$JOOSDIR Game

where Game contains a main method

make sure to copylabel if you point another thing to a label or droplabel if you have removed a pointer. And check uniquelabel to see if only one thing points to it.