Stately provides a way to copy and track installed files. The Stately Bazel rules allow integration between Bazel and Stately to help make moving generated files into the current projects working directory.
Why? Well if you want to do GitOps often you want the resulting output artefacts to be stored in the project Git.
WORKSPACE configuration:
name = "com_github_russell_rules_stately",
strip_prefix = "rules_stately-main",
urls = [""],
load("@com_github_russell_rules_stately//stately:deps.bzl", "stately_repositories")
Example BUILD file configuration:
load("@com_github_russell_rules_stately//stately:defs.bzl", "manifest_project_installed_files", "project_installed_files")
name = "stately",
srcs = ["//:deploy/manifests"]