- 1
- 0
Still can't change tooltip background color
#437 opened by Gabotron-ES - 2
About Trigger logic for blur events
#430 opened by panchenyang - 0
warning browser memory up up up
#433 opened by Logan715 - 3
content security policy guidelines for vue2-editor in the documentation is not present
#428 opened by kevintanhongann - 3
- 2
Change toolbar background color
#422 opened by Gabotron-ES - 7
Quill's upcoming upgrade to version 2
#410 opened by erinknowles0501 - 2
How to auto focus?
#419 opened by INFINITUS-GAUSOFT - 3
Editor doesn't see list
#417 opened by Galllarate - 3
How disable copy/paste
#408 opened by zarlo12 - 2
- 3
Vue 3 support
#409 opened by Yunchitz - 2
Validation rule for Vue2-editor 🔍
#407 opened by erickfabiandev - 2
ctrl+v 上传图片不会触发自定义image-added事件
#406 opened by Qc-miao - 2
How can I trim the white spaces at the beginning and at the end of the editor?
#405 opened by dragonquila2000 - 2
#404 opened by wangdong1209 - 2
editor doesn't support nuested <ul> tags
#403 opened by muzandres - 3
When using Custom Image Handler, and you add multiple images it triggers the @image-remove event causing the past added images being removed from storage
#358 opened by elviro123 - 3
H3 icon in custom toolbar is not displayed
#363 opened by Fisher-Rachel - 2
validate maximum word limit
#400 opened by riishiisharma - 2
- 2
- 3
Problem with h2 in vue-editor
#396 opened by ribastudio - 0
Initial content stomped by @input event
#399 opened by mryellow - 3
the problem about disabled attribute
#375 opened by ouzexi - 2
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setStart' on 'Range': The offset 4294967295 is invalid.
#392 opened by DanieleMar - 2
How to disable spell check?
#391 opened by ngekoding - 3
How to disable images when pasting?
#390 opened by lzymll - 1
Allow customToolbar to be a string element id
#395 opened by bcaspe - 2
Authorship module
#389 opened by maximerat - 2
Compatible problem with Vue 2.7.8
#388 opened by vovaoecoyc - 2
Custom image handler doesn't work.
#387 opened by kapdom - 2
- 2
Dose it support custom video handler?
#385 opened by BIGMONK - 2
v2.10.3 alignment bug
#382 opened by zikry009 - 2
v2.10.3 editorOptions or editor-options?
#381 opened by issingle - 2
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Add image via url instead of upload
#377 opened by Darkmagister - 0
v2.10.3 custom css for toolbar
#383 opened by soulincsl - 3
Can it use for VUE3.0?
#371 opened by xuguobang - 2
@imageRemoved not triggering
#373 opened by dionisanchez - 2
The cursor does not move to the end even if I paste
#368 opened by shibagram - 2
how to embed a vedio, not for a link
#367 opened by JustDoItY - 2
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Korean input is not working properly in ios.
#365 opened by khcho9094 - 3
How do i add tables?
#372 opened by mmanishh - 2
vue2 editor add code tool not working.
#364 opened by TanjibRubyat - 3
Update quill version to ^1.3.7
#359 opened by christianlmc