Numerize is a Python (2 and 3) library for converting large numbers into readable strings. Similar to what Twitter and Instagram use for large follower counts.
Number | Numerized |
1 | 1 |
1000 | 1K |
1500 | 1.5K |
1000000 | 1M |
1500000 | 1.5M |
1000000000 | 1B |
1500000000 | 1.5B |
1000000000000 | 1T |
1500000000000 | 1.5T |
21324314 | 21.32M |
-21324314 | -21.32M |
$ pip install numerize
numerize(number_to_numerize, decimal_places_to_round[optional])
>>> from numerize.numerize import numerize
>>> numerize(1234567.12)
>>> numerize(12134.123, 3)
This will convert large numbers like 1234567.12 into 1.23M
- Python >= 2.7 or >= 3.4
$ python numerize/
MIT licensed.