
Simple IDE for biicode, in python with PyQt. Does not aim to be a full IDE, but a simple tool for novice (e.g. Arduino) users

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


bii-IDE is an ide for Arduino that integrates all the functionality of biicode.

bii-IDE runs on windows, macos and linux. Download bii-IDE installer. You need to install biicode too.

With biicode you can:

  1. Save your project in different folders for a better organization.

  2. Reuse yours and other users'code. Reuse made easy: just #include the file you need and you get it. No more copy and paste files from project to project nor dowloading zip files from tutorials.

  3. This is a simple and fast way to compile and upload your code in your Arduino.

  4. biicode are hosting adafruit, sparkfun and many other libraries, you won’t need to download and install libraries in your SDK anymore.

##User guide

###1. Select your workspace or create one

###2. Check out the interface

####2.1 Menu and Tools bar

  1. File: tools to create and manage files and projects.
  2. Workspace: tools to create and manage workspace and update the information of it.
  3. Commands: biicode command set.
  4. About: information about bii-IDE, biicode, arduino and Qt.

####2.2 Workspace info

  1. Projects: projectlist of the selected workspace.
  2. Blocks: blocklist of the selected project.
  3. Blocks files tree: filetree of the selected block.

####2.3 Edition site

####2.4 Biicode commands

  1. biicode command: biicode command info.
  2. monitor: Open a serial terminal to communicate with your Arduino.
  3. terminal: Open a OS Terminal to execute any command.

##Code dependencies

###Install biicode

###Install Python 2.7 and PyQt4



#Install python 2.7
sudo apt-get install python2.7
#install PyQt4
sudo apt-get install python-qt4

##Cloning and Running

git clone git://github.com/biicode/bii-ide.git
cd bii-ide/bii-ide
python bii_ide.py