
This is a html and javascript project that assists with documenting and visualizing the accounting flow from model journal entries.

It relies heavily on d3.js.


With limited input required for journal entry details

  • Renders t-accounts
  • In financial statement location
  • Calculates t-account subtotal
  • Calculates financial statement account category change (e.g., change in assets)
  • Provides mouseover highlight effects to assist in visualizing relationships between the journal entries and t-accounts
  • Hovering over the t-account will highlight relating journal lines
  • Hovering over a t-account row will highlight the related journal line and vice versa
  • Hovering over the Journal Line Header:
  • will highlight all t-account entries relating to the journal entry
  • provide an extended tooltip description of the journal entry
  • Automatically labels each journal line and related t-account entry alphabetically (e.g., "(A)") for readability after printing


###Journal Line Details

Add journal entry details between:

<pre id="csvdata">



in a comma separated format. For example

Buy Inventory,A,Inventory,dr,300

adds a journal line for a journal entry labeled Buy Inventory, that debits (dr) an asset account (A) called Inventory for 300

  • je_label: Unique text identifying the distinct journal entry, must be the same for journal lines in the same journal entry
  • account_type:
  • A: Assets
  • L: Liabilities
  • OE: Owners' Equity
  • R: Revenue
  • C: Cost of Revenue
  • E: Expenses
  • account: Text identifying the account affected by the journal line
  • dr_cr:
  • dr: Debit
  • cr: Credit
  • amount: Plain number format, no commas, no decimals (e.g., 100)

###Journal extended description Add journal entry header extended description between:

<pre id="je_header">



in a comma separated format:

  • je_label: Unique text identifying the distinct journal entry
  • title: Extended free text that shows up as a tool tip after rendering