
Share your commonly used codeblocks and use the community contributions for fast web development. Syntax support for commonly used web development languages.

Primary LanguagePHP

Codeblock Build Status StyleCI

Repository for codeblock.se

Installation instructions

  1. Install composer and run composer install in this directory.
  2. Create database and database user with all permissions.
  3. Create an .env from .env.example and add all your config values in there.
  4. Run php artisan Install.
  5. Run php artisan websocket with supervisor.

Config needed for pHpunit tests

If you would like to run the phpunit tests you will need following in your .env file:

Creating documentation

  1. Run php artisan make:doc.
  2. You can now view the documentation on routes /doc and /doc/api.

Coding style

You can check if your contribution passes the styleguide by using phpcs and running following in your project root:

  1. Run vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard PSR2.
  2. Run vendor/bin/phpcs path/to/files/to/check. (This command should you run on all php files you are editing.)