This project provides a comparison between build systems/techniques. It's a simple Java application that wraps TensorFlow's Java JNI wrapper, which calls a native library. There are also a number of not-terribly-useful generated Java libraries, designed to increase the complexity of the build. The codebase is a disconnected fork of TensorFlow1 1.9, with the demo app added (in folder demo-app
), and a few tweaks to TF to facilitate the demo.
This application has been successfully built on Ubuntu 16.04. It should work on other OSes, though native library install may be different.
- Required software
- Combined prereqs:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config zip g++ zlib1g-dev unzip python python-dev python-pip openjdk-8-jdk
- PIP bits:
pip install -U --user pip six numpy wheel mock
- Maven:
sudo apt-get install maven
- Bazel 0.15
chmod +x bazel-0.15[...]
./bazel-0.15[...].sh --user
- Combined prereqs:
- Setup local machine (at root of repo)
- Run
to prepare TensorFlow Bazel workspace- Note: this might fail b/c the repo is pre-configured with an Ubuntu config. TBH I'm not sure what happens if you try to configure over it.
- Build the TF native library and Java wrapper:
bazel build //tensorflow/java:tensorflow
bazel build //tensorflow/java:libtensorflow_jni
bazel build //tensorflow/java:pom
[??? needed]
- Configure the local JDK to load the native library:
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${PWD}/bazel-bin/tensorflow/java" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
- set command prompt to make more room:
PS1="\[\033[42m\]\[\033[30m\]${HOSTNAME/bazel-mvn-/}:\[\033[40m\]\[\033[34m\]…/\W\[\033[00m\]\$ "
- Run
- Setup GCP (at root of repo)
- Authenticate:
gcloud init
- Create a service account and store it as creds/rbe-cred.json
- Authenticate:
- Build with Maven and verify that it runs
cd demo-app && mvn package
- Build with Bazel and verify that it runs
bazel test :all
bazel run tfjavademo
[NOTE: this won't actually work b/c Bazel looks in a different place for the image files. TODO: fix]bazel test :all --config=rbe
- Show app:
cd demo-app
- Java change:
vim src/main/java/com/davidstanke/tfjavademo/
- Test:
mvn test
/bazel test :all
- [fail]
- Fix:
vim src/test/java/com/davidstanke/tfjavademo/
mvn test
/bazel test :all
- C++ change:
cd ../tensorflow/core/
vim lib/strings/numbers.h
- Test:
bazel test :all
/bazel test :all --config=rbe
- [fail]
- [show BBRUI]
- Fix:
vim lib/stirngs/
bazel test :all --config=rbe