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Homebrew formula for neovim.


To install the latest release:

$ brew install neovim/neovim/neovim

To upgrade from a previous version:

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade neovim

For instructions on how to install the Python modules, see :help nvim-python.

If you instead want to install a developer version of Neovim based on the current GitHub revision, use:

$ brew tap neovim/neovim
$ brew install --HEAD neovim

To upgrade:

$ brew update
$ brew reinstall --HEAD neovim

Filing an Issue

If you run into problems, make sure to follow the Troubleshooting section below before filing an issue. If you still have problems:

  • Please search the issue tracker for your problem. GitHub does not show closed issues by default, but it will search them. Many issues others have seen before and have been resolved already. It's really a burden on the development team to come by and point out already solved issues to you.

  • Please make sure to include the link to the result of your brew gist-logs neovim command. We simply cannot debug issues without detailed information about the failure and gist-logs helps provide that.

  • It's also helpful to capture the output of a verbose version of the install command you used. Simply add the -v option to the command line and try again. For example, brew install neovim/neovim/neovim would become brew install -v neovim/neovim/neovim. Paste the result of this in your ticket, and make sure to wrap it with a text fence so it renders correctly:

    # output goes here


  • Make sure you're using the right formula. brew info neovim should have a From line similar to this:

    From: https://github.com/neovim/homebrew-neovim/blob/master/Formula/neovim.rb

    If your formula points elsewhere, then you need to retap the neovim formula. Do so with the following sequence of commands:

    $ brew uninstall neovim --force
    $ brew prune
    $ brew tap neovim/neovim
    $ brew tap --repair
    $ brew install neovim --HEAD
  • If you encounter the error Failed to update tap: neovim/neovim, try:

    $ brew untap neovim/neovim
    $ brew tap neovim/neovim
  • Run brew update — then try again.

  • Run brew doctor — the doctor diagnoses common issues.

  • Check that Command Line Tools for Xcode (CLT) and/or Xcode are up to date by checking for updates in the App Store.

    • If the build fails with fatal error: '__debug' file not found, you have to install Xcode. This is due to a bug in the Xcode CLT 6.3.
    • If the build fails with ld: library not found for -lgcc_s, make sure you have the same version of Xcode and Xcode CLT installed.
  • Check the Homebrew Troubleshooting page. In particular, the Check for common issues section.

  • You can create a gist log with brew gist-logs neovim.

  • Use --verbose to get the verbose output, i.e. brew install --HEAD --verbose neovim.

  • Use --debug to be in the debug mode. In the debug mode, when failing, you can go into the interactive shell to check the building files before homebrew neutralizing them.

  • If you encounter the error CMAKE_USE_SYSTEM_CURL is ON but a curl is not found, then you're missing the dependency for cURL that allows downloads over TLS. Refer to your operating system's section in Linuxbrew Dependencies to fix this.