
basic Go service to highlight good practices

Primary LanguageGo

Contacts store

This is a very basic contacts store used as a training project to highlight architectures principles

  • CLEAN architecture on main branch
  • CQRS on cqrs branch


The store is not thread safe and in-memory


  • Stateless presenters API: easily scalable, no session management

  • Free from storage constraints: SQL, NoSQL, in-memory, ...

  • Clean architecture: cost effective, maintainable, testable, free from framework, with a clear separation of concerns and layers dependencies order

    Clean architecture diagram

  • CQRS principles: Commqnd Query Responsibility Segregation

    CQRS diagram


    • Single responsibility principle: each layer has a single responsibility
    • Open/closed principle: each layer is open for extension but closed for modification
    • Liskov substitution principle: each layer can be replaced by another one without breaking the system
    • Interface segregation principle: each layer has its own interface
    • Dependency inversion principle: each layer depends on abstraction, not on concretions


go run main.go server

Dev install


Install protobuff (OSX)


brew install protobuf
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.2
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"