Generic Eventsourcing / CQRS implementation in Go. For the sack of the example, we just go through a CRUD use case. Feel free to implement the read model with the appropriate database architecture that matches your usecase.

Write model: creating a new aggregate

  1. Define a new struct that embed eventsourcing.AggregateBase

    const GroupAggregateType eventsourcing.AggregateType = "group"
    // Group is the aggregate root
    type Group struct {
      // it has a name property that is private to make sure it is only updated 
      // through domain events
      name string
    // NewGroup is creates a new Group aggregate
    func NewGroup() *Group {
       return &Group{
         AggregateBase: eventsourcing.NewAggregateBase[Group](uuid.Nil, 0),
    // AggregateType is required to implement the Aggregate interface
    func (g Group) AggregateType() eventsourcing.AggregateType {
      return GroupAggregateType
    // Name makes the name property accessible
    func (g Group) Name() string {
      return g.name
  2. Define and register events

    const EvtTypeGroupCreated       eventsourcing.EventType = "group.created"
    // RegisterEvents registers events so they can be hydrated from the event store
    func RegisterEvents(registry eventsourcing.EventRegistry[Group]) {
       registry.Register(EvtTypeGroupCreated, func() eventsourcing.Event[Group] {
         return &EvtGroupCreated{
           EventBase: &eventsourcing.EventBase[Group]{},
       registry.Register(EvtTypeGroupNameSet, func() eventsourcing.Event[Group] {
         return &EvtGroupNameSet{
           EventBase: &eventsourcing.EventBase[Group]{},
     // EvtGroupCreated is emitted when a group is created
     type EvtGroupCreated struct {
     // NewEvtGroupCreated is a helper to create a new EvtGroupCreated event 
     // with the appropriate event base
     func NewEvtGroupCreated(aggregateId uuid.UUID, aggregateVersion int, createdBy eventsourcing.User) *EvtGroupCreated {
       return &EvtGroupCreated{
         EventBase: eventsourcing.NewEventBase[Group](
     // Apply performs the changes on the aggregate
     func (e EvtGroupCreated) Apply(g *Group) error {
       // helper to define the aggregate base properties (created_at, ..)
       // on creation event we call init instead of process
       return nil
     // EvtGroupNameSet is emitted when name is set
     type EvtGroupNameSet struct {
       // Name is the new name of the group
       //! Make sure to have all the properties of the event exported
       //! or they will not be marshalled / unmarshalled properly
       Name string
     func NewEvtGroupNameSet(aggregateId uuid.UUID, aggregateVersion int, updatedBy eventsourcing.User, name string) *EvtGroupNameSet {
       return &EvtGroupNameSet{
         EventBase: eventsourcing.NewEventBase[Group](
         Name: name,
     func (e EvtGroupNameSet) Apply(g *Group) error {
       // helper to define the aggregate base properties (modified_at, ..)
       // update the aggregate name
       g.name = e.name
       return nil
  3. Create use case

     // cmdCreate is the command to create a new group
     type cmdCreate struct {
       // to make cmdCreate a command
       // Name the property of the command
       Name string `validate:"required"`
     // CreateHandler is the usecase handler 
     type CreateHandler struct {
       validator      *validator.Validate
       commandHandler eventsourcing.CommandHandler[domain.Group]
     func NewCreateHandler(commandHandler eventsourcing.CommandHandler[domain.Group]) CreateHandler {
       validator := validator.New(validator.WithRequiredStructEnabled())
       return CreateHandler{
         commandHandler: commandHandler,
         validator:      validator,
     func (h CreateHandler) Create(ctx context.Context, issuer eventsourcing.User, name string) (*domain.Group, error) {
       // let's validate the command
       err := h.validator.Struct(cmd)
       if err != nil {
         log.Error().Err(err).Msg("create: invalid command")
         return nil, err
       // aggregate is not loaded from the eventstore at this stage
       // it is cheap to perform any business logic check at this stage
       // like checking if it is possible to create a group for this issuer
       // we should return an error if the command should not be accepted
       return h.commandHandler.HandleCommand(
           CommandBase: eventsourcing.NewCommandBase[domain.Group](
             uuid.New(), // new aggregate id
             domain.AggregateGroup, // aggregate type
             issuer, // tracking who did create that group
           Name: name,
     // Apply returns a list of events that should be emitted when the command is applied
     func (c cmdCreate) Apply(aggregate *domain.Group) ([]eventsourcing.Event[domain.Group], error) {
       // aggregate is at this stage loaded from write model (eventstore)
       // more advanced business logic involving the aggregate itself
       // should be done here
       return []eventsourcing.Event[domain.Group]{
         // the new group is created
         domain.NewEvtGroupCreated(c.AggregateId(), 0, c.IssuedBy()),
         // the name is set
         domain.NewEvtGroupNameSet(c.AggregateId(), 1, c.IssuedBy(), c.Name),
       }, nil

    At this point we have an event sourcing system for creating groups

Read model: handling events

The following is a generic read model implementation that suits development and tests purposes. The generic read model can also be used in combination with proper database implementation for scaffolding purposes but should ideally be replaced by a custom implementation to decrease the number of round trips and queries to the database.

  1. Create a new read model (in memory for the example, relying on the generic one from the library)
     type GroupQuery struct {
       id *uuid.UUID
     func NewGroupQuery(id *uuid.UUID) *GroupQuery {
       return &GroupQuery{
         id: id,
     func (q GroupQuery) Id() *uuid.UUID {
       return q.id
     type inMemoryReadModel struct {
       rm *readmodel.InMemoryReadModel[domain.Group]
     func NewInMemoryReadModel(eventStream eventsourcing.Subscriber[domain.Group]) *inMemoryReadModel {
       return &inMemoryReadModel{
         rm: readmodel.NewInMemoryReadModel[domain.Group](
           eventsourcing.EvtTypeNil, // Replace by the appropriate event type when the event is implemented
     // HandleEvent definition is optional as Find and Get will handle the job
     // however it might be useful to have it exposed for testing purpose (manually injecting events)
     func (l *inMemoryReadModel) HandleEvent(e eventsourcing.Event[domain.Group]) {
     func (l *inMemoryReadModel) Find(ctx context.Context, query GroupQuery) ([]*domain.Group, error) {
       return l.rm.Find(ctx, aggregateMatcher(query))
     func (l *inMemoryReadModel) Get(ctx context.Context, query GroupQuery) (*domain.Group, error) {
       return l.rm.Get(ctx, aggregateMatcher(query))
     // aggregateMatcher is a helper function to build the aggregate matcher based on the query
     // in a database scenario it would be used to build the where clause
     func aggregateMatcher(query GroupQuery) readmodel.AggregateMatcher[domain.Group] {
       var matcher readmodel.AggregateMatcher[domain.Group]
       if query != nil {
         matcher = readmodel.AggregateMatcherAnd[domain.Group](
       return matcher
  2. Create the list use case
    type GroupReadModel interface {
       Find(ctx context.Context, query GroupQuery) ([]*domain.Group, error)
       Get(ctx context.Context, query GroupQuery) (*domain.Group, error)
     type ListHandler struct {
       groupReadModel GroupReadModel
     func NewListHandler(groupReadModel GroupReadModel) ListHandler {
       return ListHandler{
         groupReadModel: groupReadModel,
     func (h ListHandler) List(ctx context.Context, issuedBy eventsourcing.User, query GroupQuery) ([]*domain.Group, error) {
       // TODO: check if possible to list groups for this issuer
       return h.groupReadModel.Find(ctx, query)

event sourcing approach