
Provide file encryption with constant memory consumtion

Primary LanguagePHP


This bundle provide file encryption with AES-256 Cipher The amount of memory used is independant of the file you encrypt.



The original file is read by the chunk_file_size and the encryption is done on this amount of data A folder is created in the temp_folder with the name of the original encrypted file Each encrypted part are written in this folder


By passing the original file name to the decryptFile method, the cryptoBundle use the corresponding folder with encrypted parts of the file to rebuild the original file


  • Add to your composer file
    "require": {
        "dterranova/crypto-bundle": "dev-master"
  • Update your vendors php composer.phar update

  • Add to your AppKernel

    // app/AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        return array(
            // ...
            new dterranova\Bundle\CryptoBundle\dterranovaCryptoBundle(),
            // ...
  • Add to your app/config/config.yml
# app/config/config.yml
    temp_folder: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/YOUR_TEMP_FOLDER"
    chunk_file_size: 2 # The size (in Mb) of chunked files, more it is big more it will consume memory 


  • Encrypt a file
$cryto = $this->get("dterranova_crypto.crypto_adapter");
$crypto->encryptFile(ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH, KEY);
  • Decrypt a file
$cryto = $this->get("dterranova_crypto.crypto_adapter");
$crypto->decryptFile(ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH, KEY, true);  // The same absolute file path