Portfolio of code Rapid Edge Detection for CSS Tasks

Primary LanguagePython

RED-CT: Using LLM-labeled Data to Train and Deploy Edge Classifiers

This repository contains the code for RED-CT: A Systems Design Methodology to Using LLM-labeled Data to Train and Deploy Edge Classifiers for Computational Social Science.

The repo is organized as follows:

  • ./data/ contains benchmark datasets.
  • ./scripts/ contains examples for running the full systems methodology.
  • ./src/ contains the code for research and development.
    • ./src/edge/ contains code for training and testing models for edge deployment.
    • ./src/llm_label/ contains code for using LLMs to label data.

Methodology Flow

We provide a few command line tools to make implementing and evaluation easier. All of the code and scripts are designed to run from this top-level directory. We also provide some examples scripts in the scripts directory.

The code in this repository is designed to run on systems with cuda support!

LLM Labeling At 'the Hub'

There are a few options for LLM data labeling.

  1. ./src/llm_label/mistral_label.py - Loads mistral7B-instruct across all available GPUs (distributed with the package accelerate) and labels the specified dataset.
  2. ./src/llm_label/distribut_mistral_label.py - Distributes the labeling process by splitting the data and loading mistral7B-instruct on each available GPU. This is the simplest (but most expensive) from of parallelization.
  3. ./src/llm_label/openai_label.py - Queries OpenAI API to label data with GPT-3.5-turbo. Other models may be supported, but the code is tested with GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4o.

Each of the scripts is executable with various command line arguments. Please use the --help or -h to check the CLI for each labeling method.

$ python ./src/llm_label/mistral_label.py -h
$ python ./src/llm_label/distribute_mistral_label.py -h
$ python ./src/llm_label/openai_label.py -h

Please note that each script requires either a Huggingface token or OpenAI API token. These are accessed via environmental variables. If you are running from the terminal without using the example scripts please export the following environmental variables.

$ export HF_TOKEN=your_hf_token_here!
$ export OPENAI_API_TOKEN=your_openai_token_here!

Classifier Training for Edge Deployment

We provide a simple CLI for finetuning various flavors of BERT models on the data labeled by the LLM labeler. Use the -h argument to check the CLI arguments.

$ python ./src/edge/train.py -h

Model Evaluation and Testing

We also provide a simple CLI to evaluate the finetuned BERT model against a held-out test set. Checkout the code below to view the usage details.

$ python ./src/edge/test.py -h

Example Scripts

  • /scripts/label_train_ibc.sh - contains an example that distributes the labeling process onto all available GPUs. Then, we finetune distilbert with 10% confidence informed expert labeling, and evaluate the performance on a held-out test set.
  • /scripts/label_train_misinfo.sh - contains an example for labeling with Open AIs GPT-3.5-turbo. Then, we finetune a RoBERTa-Large model naively on the labels, and evaluate the performance on a held-out test set.
  • /scripts/label_train_stance.sh - contains an example for labeling with Open AIs GPT-4o with CoT prompting. Then, we finetune a RoBERTa model with 10% confidence informed sampling expert labeling, learning with soft labels, and evaluate the performance on a held-out test set.

Given the examples and the scripts, it should be relatively simple to reproduce all the experiments presented in the paper.


Each dataset contains a collection of social media statements.