
Some scripts to figure out the fastest way to get data from a Java application into Cassandra

Primary LanguageGroovy


Some Groovy scripts to figure out the fastest way to get data from a Java application into Cassandra.

Download Groovy here: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download

Its easy to install. Just unzip it and put the bin directory on your path.

Running Tests

Each test is runnable out of the box on local Cassandra instance but should be run against a real cluster. To do this create a file in this directory called config.properties and list some nodes in your cluster:

nodes =,,

You can also change other test parameters in the same way.

Now you can run the tests:

$ ./InsertBatchOfPreparedStatements.groovy

It will take a while for the first run to start as the DataStax Java driver and all its dependencies have to be downloaded.


3 node cluster, each node: Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 v3 Quadcore Haswell 32GB RAM, 1 x 2TB commit log disk, 2 x 4TB data disks (RAID0)

Using a batch of prepared statements is about 5% faster than inline parameters:

InsertBatchOfPreparedStatements: Inserted 2551704 rows in 100000 batches using 256 concurrent operations in 15.785 secs, 161653 rows/s, 6335 batches/s

InsertInlineBatch: Inserted 2551704 rows in 100000 batches using 256 concurrent operations in 16.712 secs, 152686 rows/s, 5983 batches/s