
@davidtwco's personal website containing projects and writings, built using Metalsmith and Gulp, hosted on Netlify.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Deprecation notice

This project has been archived and isn't used anymore, the current version of this website is generated by Nix and lives in the davidtwco/veritas repository.


My new, improved personal website featuring projects, writings and CV generation. Built using Metalsmith and deployed on Netlify.

I wanted to make something that was simple, fast and low maintenance while still being flexible enough to be built upon in future.

How does this all work then?

Here's a link to the website in this repository's post describing how I made this.

How do I get it running?

If you want to run this website locally, you'll need to start by cloning the repository; then you'll have to install all the dependencies of the website (assuming you already have Node.js installed); after that, you can just run the serve command and visit the website at localhost:3000:

$ git clone https://github.com/davidtwco/personal-website.git
$ npm install
$ gulp serve


CV generation functionality of this project uses a template which is a modified version of the Awesome-CV template licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).