
Simple unsplash.com wallpaper switcher (OSX only)

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Unsplash wallpaper switcher (OSX only)

unsplash script

This is a extremly simple script that downloads an unsplash image and sets it as a wallpaper every 15 minutes. I was done with an extra menu item or an app, I just wanted random nice images as a wallpaper on my screen(s).

Let me know if you like it/are using it 🤩👌.


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidvanleeuwen/unsplash-wallpaper-script/master/install.sh)"


Don't have nodejs and/or yarn?

brew install yarn

Don't have brew?

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"


How to change the frequency?

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Enter: env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
  3. Change */15 (= every 15 minutes) to what you want (more info)
  4. ctrl+x, y, enter

How to change unsplash theme/search?

  1. Open ~/Wallpapers/set_wallpaper.sh
  2. Change nature to whatever you want (it can be comma seperated, eg: unsplash-wallpaper -q unicorn,rainbow)
  3. Save the file and you're done

How to remove this script?

  1. To begin, this is a bit more cumbersome. Sorry 😟
  2. Use env EDITOR=nano crontab -e and delete the line points to set_wallpaper.sh.
  3. ctrl+x, y, enter
  4. rm -rf ~/Wallpapers (note: make sure you don't use this folder for anything else, everything inside will be deleted!)
  5. That's it.

Other questions?

Let me know on Twitter!