A powershell secrets mananagement extension to get secrets from passwordsafe, this was created as a POC for reading from the db and has no update functionality at the moment, just write and even then the metadata is limited.
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement -Repository PSGallery
Register-SecretVault `
-Name PWSafeTest `
-ModuleName ./PSPasswordSafe `
-VaultParameters @{Path="./TestSafe.psafe3"} `
Check for the presence of the vault using
Updating formatting data to show the metadata properties relevant to the pwsafe db structure
Update-FormatData -PrependPath .\PSPasswordSafe\PSPasswordSafe.Extension\PSPasswordSafe.format.ps1xml
Listing secrets
Get-SecretVault -Name PWSafeTest -Verbose
Get-SecretInfo -Verbose -Vault PWSafeTest | Select-Object -First 1 -Wait
Getting passwords using different approaches
$secString = Get-Secret -Name "26d5465f-ddf9-a444-b82b-10925e6758a1" -Vault PWSafeTest <# Retuns as a securestring #>
$unSecPwd = Get-Secret -Name "26d5465f-ddf9-a444-b82b-10925e6758a1" -Vault PWSafeTest -AsPlainText <# Retuns as a securestring #>
$pwd = Get-SecretInfo -Verbose -Vault PWSafeTest | Select-Object -First 1 -Wait | Get-Secret
The properties for the individual objects are available under the metadata hashtable - some of these are shown using the format file, the name property could probably be synthentically made up to represent group\title\username but uuid is currently used to reference items as this was created as a POC
Get-SecretInfo -Verbose -Vault PWSafeTest | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Metadata -Wait
Get account, filtering by metadata and return the password
Get-SecretInfo -Verbose -Vault PWSafeTest | Where {
$_.Metadata.Group -eq "Group1" -and `
$_.Metadata.Title -eq "Ti1tle" -and `
$_.Metadata.UserName -eq "Username" `
} | Get-Secret -AsPlainText
Unlocking for unattended use
$SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPassword1!" -AsPlainText -Force
Unlock-SecretVault -Name PWSafeTest -password $SecureString -verbose
Unregister-SecretVault -Name PWSafeTest