
A client for the Codebase API, written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

About PyCodebase

PyCodebase is a client for the Codebase API. It works in Python 2.7. The source code and project lives on GitHub.


You can install from PyPI:

$ pip install pycodebase


First you need a client to connect to Codebase. You can pass a 2-tuple of your API username and key:

import codebase

# Your API username and key, shown on Codebase's profile page.
secrets = ('example/alice', 'abc123def456')
client = codebase.Client(secrets)

An alternative is to create a file with the username and key:

$ cat ~/.codebase.ini

username = example/alice
key = abc123def456

You can then create the client, telling it the path of your secrets file.

import codebase

client = codebase.Client.with_secrets('~/.codebase.ini')

From there you can get projects in your account and all the ticket and status information related to those projects.


More documentation is on Read The Docs.