
active angel investors in developer tools!


active angel investors in developer tools!

  • Max Stoiber - site

    I irregularly angel invest small checks ($2500-$5000) of my own money in early-stage startups I'm excited about. Think of me as an advisor with skin in the game — I love helping with tricky, ambiguous problems, providing access to my network and audience, or even just lending an ear to founders building exciting new things.

  • Michael Grinich - DM

    I’m a technologist. I studied CS at MIT and still write code. When I invest, I specifically look for technical founders building dev tools, API platforms, and “unloved” workflow cloud SaaS. I founded both Nylas and WorkOS and worked at Dropbox so this is an area I know well. My typical check size is around $100k but I can flex and get creative for bigger rounds too. If I invest, I will offer introductions to other investors I know (and like). This can help fill out a larger round. more here

  • Swyx - site

    Sr. Dev Advocate/PM at AWS, Netlify, Temporal. Dev Community organizer /r/reactjs, Svelte Society, and Coding Career. I do $5-10k checks in devtools startups and am a scout for Chapter One where I can do bigger checks!

  • Cassidy Williams - site

    I invest in developer-focused startups who have diverse teams, good ideas, and exciting tech. DMing me on Twitter is the fastest way to reach me.

  • Beyang Liu - site, DM, podcast

    I enjoy helping dev tool creators build top-notch teams, figure out go-to-market, and meet other great investors. I've been working on developer tools for most of the past decade as CTO and co-founder of Sourcegraph. I host a podcast featuring creators of dev tools--if you've built something you'd love to share with the developer world, I'd love to have you on the show!