The repository stores lesson files for "2021 Data Management and Analysis for Social Sciences (Spring)", University of Massachusetts-Amherst. This course aims to provide students with an overview of the theoretical and practical foundations required for managing and analyzing data in R functional programming, especially those in social sciences.

Primary LanguageHTML

Data Management and Analysis
for Social Sciences

2021 Data Management and Analysisfor Social Sciences, Instructors: Shih-chan Dai and David,Yen-Chieh Liao (University of Essex)

Course Description

This course aims to provide students with an overview of the theoretical and practical foundations required for managing and analyzing data in R, especially those in social sciences. It starts with an introduction to foundational programming to functional programming , data types as well as basic concepts of statistics. We further will examine the different kinds of probability theory, probability distribution, and data-generating process.

Once getting a solid understanding of the probability theory, we will move on to study hypothesis testing and model estimation. More importantly, this course will combine the theoretical content with a rich set of applications so that students can polish up their programming skills in R as well as apply what they learn in real-world cases.


The syllabus is available here.

Schedule TBA



Office Hours


Programing Application in R

Data Analysis and Statistical Learning

Lecture Notes (slides will be added before each lecture)

00 - Introduction and Data Science

Data science is a discipline that allows you to turn raw data into understanding, insight, and knowledge. The goal of this course is to help you develope skillset in R that will allow you to performe an analysis.

  • Getting R (Rstudio, environment, packages and CRAN)
  • Introduction to Version Control with Git and Github

Reading: 1, 2, 3 of Lander 2017 | Preface of Grolemund and Wickham 2016

Slides: html | pdf

01 - Programing in R Ⅰ

To start programming in R, this class will help you learn the foundational components of programing and data structrue in R.

  • Basic R (math, variables, data types, list, matrices, arrays)
  • Data Structures (names, values, vectors)
  • Subsetting

Reading: 4 of Lander 2017 | 11.6 of Wickham 2015

Slides: html | pdf

02 - Programing in R ⅠⅠ

Loops are used in programming to repeat a specific block of code. In this class, you will learn to how to create functions and loop, or combine them together for analysis in R programming.

  • Writing R Functions
  • Control Statements (loops and iteration)
  • Debugging and Condition Handling

Reading: 8, 9 of Lander 2017 | 9 of Hadley 2015

Slides: html | pdf

03 - Functional Programming Ⅰ: Base R

The class starts by showing a motivating example, removing redundancy and duplication in code used to clean and summarise data. We will focus onthree building blocks of functional programming: anonymous functions, closures (functions written by functions), and lists of functions. We will learn how to easily extract, summarize, and manipulate lists and how to export the data to desired object, be it another list, a vector.

  • Anonymous Functions
  • List / Vector Functions (apply(), lapply(), sapply(), and tapply())
  • Manipulating Matrices and Data Frames

Reading: 11 of Lander 2017 | 10, 11 of Hadley 2015

Slides: html | pdf

04 - Visialization Ⅰ

This class provides a comprehensive introduction on how to plot data with R’s base graphics, ggplot2 as well as lattice.

  • Basic Graphics
  • lattice pacakge
  • ggplot2 and ggplot2's Package Ecosystem

Reading: CH7 of Lander 2017 | 22 of Grolemund and Wickham 2016 | Hadley 2016

Slides: html | pdf

05 - Visialization ⅠⅠ

  • Interactive Graphics & Maps
  • Share: LaTeX Basics, R Markdown Documents and Shiny
  • R Server + Tableau

Reading: CH7 of Lander 2017 | 22 of Grolemund and Wickham 2016 | Hadley 2016

Slides: html | pdf

06 - Manipulation and Data Management

We will covere a variety of methods for importing and exporting data in R environment.

  • Importing & Exporting Data
  • Tidy and Relational Data
  • Data Manipulation

Reading: 6 of Lander 2017 | 10, 11 of Wickham and Grolemund 2016 | 4, 5 of Kabacoff 2011

Slides: html | pdf

07 - Functional Programming ⅠⅠ: Tidyverse Fundamentals

This class covers fundamentals of the Tidyverse, tidy data and how to use popular functional packages such as tibble, dplyr, ggplot2, tidyr, and purrr packages for data analysis.

  • Tidyverse & Functional Programming
  • Pipe, Functions, Iteration and Beyond!
  • Functional Programming Tools
  • Additional: from purrr to furrr in parallel

Reading: 6 of Lander 2017 | 14-17 of Wickham and Grolemund 2016

Slides: html | pdf

08 - Basic Statistics

This class covers descriptive statistics, frequency and contingency tables and essential command math functions commonly used in R.

  • Math Functions in R
  • Descriptive Statistics

Reading: 14, 15 of Lander 2017 | 7.1, 7.2 of Kabacoff 2011

Slides: html | pdf

09 - Probability Distribution

This class cover using R to handles all the basic necessities of statistics, including drawing random numbers and calculating distribution values (the focus of this chapter), means, variances, maxmima and minima, correlation.

  • Normal Distribution
  • Binomial Distribution
  • Poisson Distribution

Reading: 14 of Lander 2017

Slides: html | pdf

10 - Hypothesis Testing

  • Hypothesis Testing for Means
  • Hypothesis Testing for Proportions

Reading: 15 of Lander 2017

Slides: html | pdf

11 - Sampling Distribution

Reading: 15 of Lander 2017

Slides: html | pdf

12 - Correlation, Testing

  • Correlation and Covariance
  • T-Tests
  • Examining Relationships using Visualization

Reading: 7.2-3 of Kabacoff 2011 | 3.2 of John Fox and Sanford Weisberg 2019 | 15.3 of Lander 2017

Slides: html | pdf

13 - Analysis of Variance

This class covers how to use R to model basic experimental designs, fitting and interpreting ANOVA type models, and evaluating model assumptions

  • One-way ANOVA and One-way ANCOVA
  • Two-way factorial ANOVA

Reading: 9 of Kabacoff 2011

Slides: html | pdf

14 - Regression Ⅰ: Basic Linear Regression

This class will cover fitting and interpreting linear models, evaluating model assumptions, selecting among competing models.

  • Introduction and Assumptions
  • Diagnostics and Interpretation
  • Formatting the Estimates in R: broom,stargazer and summarytools packages

Reading: 8 of Kabacoff 2011 | 4, 5 of John Fox and Sanford Weisberg 2019

Slides: html | pdf

15 - Regression ⅠⅠ: Generalized Linear Models

This class covers formulating a generalized linear model, predicting categorical outcomes, and modeling count data.

  • Generalized linear models and the glm() function
  • Model Fit and Regression Diagnostics

Reading: 13 of of Kabacoff 2011 | 6 of John Fox and Sanford Weisberg 2019

Slides: html | pdf

16 - Additional Topic: Introduction to Machine Learning

This class briefly introduces what machine learning is, supervised vs unsupervised machine learning, how the Tidyverse play a part in training machine learning classification and regression. Later, we plan to cover the application of the Tidyverse on Tidymodels framework, from pre-processing (rsample and recipes packages), model training (parsnip package), model validation (yardstick package).

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Tidying and Manipulating Data with the Tidyverse
  • Machine Learning with Tidymodels framework

Reading: PART Ⅰ of of Rhys 2019

Slides: html | pdf