This is a single page responsive app that gives the user a snapshot of their expenses. The user will be able to quickly understand the data by glancing at a monthly total expense overview, month to month expense breakdown, and a transactions chart.

You can visit the app here!

Technologies Used

React, JavaScript, Sass/SCSS, HTML5, and CSS3.

Monthly Expense Overview

Created using Chart.js

User will be able to track total monthly expenses. Hoving over the month's data point on the graph, will display specific dollar amounts.

Monthly Expense Breakdown

Created using Chart.js

User can view a month's expenses, breakdown into percentages for each category. Hoving over the category's section on the graph, will display specific dollar amounts. Also, the user can select a different month and the pie graph will dynamically regenerate to show the new data.

Transaction Chart

Created using React Table

User can view all transactions made and can also sort through them by date, type, category, or amount.