








Kubernetes Member, Soccer Fan & PUBG Fan

🔭 I’m currently working on Kubernetes & Docker & Containerd

🌱 I’m currently learning Go & Knative & CoreDNS

Work in DaoCloud Enterprise Team

Don't do too many Trivial Edits!!!

Each incoming Pull Request needs to be reviewed, checked, and then merged.

While automation helps with this, each contribution also has an engineering cost. Therefore it is appreciated if you do NOT make trivial edits and fixes, but instead focus on giving the entire file a review.

If you find one grammatical or spelling error, it is likely there are more in that file, you can really make your Pull Request count by checking the formatting, checking for broken links, and fixing errors and then submitting all the fixes at once to that file.

Some questions to consider:

  • Can the file be improved further?
  • Does the trivial edit greatly improve the quality of the content?

If a trivial fix such as a broken link, typo, or grammar mistake, review the entire document for other potential mistakes. Do not open multiple PRs for small fixes in the same document. https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md#trivial-edits