
A minimal base16 colour scheme for vim-lightline.

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a theme for vim-lightline, a minimal and highly configurable statusline plugin for vim.

Despite having themes to match many popular colour schemes, I couldn't find a theme for lightline for the excellent base16 colour scheme.

If used in command-line vim, this theme will use the colours set by the base16-shell scripts - meaning that it is compatible with all of the variations of the base16 theme.


As with any other theme, this can be installed with any of the popular plugin managers:

  • vim-plug
    • Plug 'daviesjamie/vim-base16-lightline'
  • Vundle
    • Bundle 'daviesjamie/vim-base16-lightline'
  • Pathogen
    • git clone https://github.com/daviesjamie/vim-base16-lightline ~/.vim/bundle/vim-base16-lightline

You can also install the plugin manually, by copying the files into your ~/.vim directory.

After it is install, you need to tell lightline to use the theme:

let g:lightline = {
\   'colorscheme': 'base16'
\ }