
Wallet App - An application to manage finances using HTML, CSS and JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📈 Wallet Web Application

This is a web application that helps users manage their personal finances. The application is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and it uses an API to store and retrieve financial and e-mail information.

Live deploy Wallet App

🔧 Features

The application provides the following features:

Login with email
View monthly balance
View total revenue and expenses for the month
Change the month
Add new entries
Delete existing entries
View your balance in a chart

🔮 Technologies

The following technologies were used to build this application:

API (to store and retrieve financial information)

😎 Usage

To use this application, simply follow these steps:

Clone this repository to your local machine.
Open index.html in your web browser.
Log in with your email. (If you don't want to use your e-mail, use davidavi@davidavi.com)
Use the interface to view your monthly balance and add/delete entries.

💻 Deployment (Live Link)

This application is deployed on GitHub Pages, which means you can access it online, right now! To access the deployed application, simply follow this link: https://davif13.github.io/wallet-app-frontend/

👍 Contributing

If you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to submit a pull request. All contributions are welcome!