
Publish quotes in twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Quotes Publisher

AWS lambda function that publishes a quote to twitter every time is executed. The quotes are in a DynamoDB table.


  • Used aws-sdk module for Node.js.
  • Used node-lambda module as dev dependency to execute lambda locally in test mode and to generate package to deploy. node-lambda repo


  • Created a role to associate with Lambda for the execution.
  • The role has following permissions
    • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole - AWS managed policy
    • DynamoDB Read: BatchGetItem, GetItem, Query, Scan
    • DynamoDB Write: BatchWriteItem, DeleteItem, PutItem, UpdateItem


  • Examples in AWS Developer guide to CRUD operations in DynamoDB
  • I used DocumentClient that provides conversion of DynamoDB data types to JavaScript data types. Guide how to use it
  • Because DocumentClient uses callbacks and doesn't work with promises, I wrapped database operations in promises. For example:
const getQuoteAsync = async (id) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const params = {
      TableName: TABLE_NAME,
      Key: {
        'id': id
    docClient.get(params, (error, data) => {
      if (error) reject(error)
      if (data.Item) resolve(data.Item)
  • Structure of quotes stored in DynamoDB is:
Item {
  id         -> key of Number Type
  data {     -> Map Type
    number   -> Number Type, same as id
    text     -> String Type, quote text
    links [  -> List Type, references to source of quote, author or book
        href -> String Type, url
        text -> String Type, url description
  • The quotes are stored as consecutive numbers in id and number fields. Not the best approach but good enough for the purpose of simplicity.
  • To identify the next quote to publish I used an special item record in DynamoDB with structure:
Item {
  id          -> key of Number Type, value -1
  quoteNumber -> Number Type, last quote number published
  • Having that, to identify the next quote to publish I read record above and I read the quote with id equals to qouteNumber + 1. Then I update the record with new qouteNumber



  • Created alarms for DynamoDB and Lambda
  • Some guide to create SNS topic and configure alarm
  • Create an SNS topic to send email
  • There are 2 alarms created with DynamoDB read and write capacities
    • ConsumedReadCapacityUnits >= 240 for 5 datapoints within 5 minutes
    • ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits >= 240 for 5 datapoints within 5 minutes
  • Add the SNS topic to alarms
  • Create alarm for lambda errors in CloudWatch
    • Sum of errores >= 1


  • Setup twitter account following Getting started guide. At the end, get API keys and user access tokens
    • API Key (consumer key)
    • API Secret (consumer secret)
    • Access token
    • Access token secret
  • Used twitter-lite module to interact with Twitter API. twitter-lite repo
  • Request to post in twitter is statuses/update. API documentation
  • When quote to publish is longer than the limit length of a twit, we can create a thread. To create a thread you need to get the message id returned in each post and include it in the next request.
// first post of thread
const params1 =   {
    status: 'first message of thread'
const response = await twitter.post('statuses/update', params1)
const previousMessageId = response.id_str

// second post of thread
const params2 = {
  status: 'second message of thread',
  in_reply_to_status_id: previousMessageId
const response = await twitter.post('statuses/update', params2)