
To Do app using MVC and the Slim 4 framework to implement CRUD functionality with a MYSQL database,

Primary LanguagePHP

To Do App


This is a To Do app with CRUD functionality, created after learning about MVC and PHP frameworks Cloned from an existing Slim 4 repo, then created my own MySQL database. Uses Routing, the Dependency Injection Container, Factories, Controllers & Views to implement CRUD funtionality

Live Demo

This To Do app is live here - https://todo.2020-davin.dev.io-academy.uk/

End User Features

  • Add a new to do task
  • View current or completed tasks
  • Mark a task as completed
  • Delete a completed task

To Install & Run Locally

  1. Clone repo locally & cd to directory
  2. Run composer install
  3. Create a new MYSQL database called todo
  4. Adjust the DB connection details in the file src/DBConnector.php according to your local setup
  5. Import the file db/todo.sql into your database and run it to create the tasks table and add some example data
  6. Run this from a normal command prompt to start the app php -S localhost:8080 -t public/ public/index.php